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NSPCA ‘aware’ of FS predator breeding facility horror

This is an excerpt from an article written by Selene Brophy and published online by Traveller24 on 14 March, 2016

Cape Town – National Council of the SPCA for Wildlife Protection (NSPCA) says shutting down unethical predator breeding facilities and ensuring that they are no longer granted ownership permits is not as easy as it seems.

Isabel Wentzel, Manager Wildlife Protection Unit for the NSPCA has responded to the shocking UK volunteer account released by Blood Lions, detailing the volunteer’s stay at a Kroonstad predator breeding facility in the Free State, best described as a “horror with little to no conservation value”.

The volunteer, known only as Dee, claims to have witnessed a number of questionable practices, including poor upkeep of a sickly cheetah, enclosures that house different species resulting in fatal fights as well as alleged trade in animal bones and administering of medication by unqualified individuals during her stay.

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