Blood Lions DVD released in South Africa

Thanks to an extraordinary partnership with Indigenous Film Distribution, the dynamic team that brought you the groundbreaking feature documentary called Blood Lions in 2015, are proud to announce that you can now purchase your very own full version DVD copy in South Africa. This is especially exciting as most of the footage was captured here, on home soil, and is at the heart of where the canned hunting and predator breeding industry is fuelled.

Blood Lions follows environmental journalist and safari operator, Ian Michler, and American hunter, Rick Swazey, as they expose the multi-million dollar industry of canned hunting – where lions are bred and raised in confined areas for trophy hunting. Also known as captive bred lion hunting, canned hunts allow hunters to select their lion ahead of time and complete a hunt in a matter of days. Canned hunts provide a cheaper and faster way of hunting predatory animals compared to wild lion hunts.

“It is extremely appropriate that Blood Lions is being released in South Africa. The challenge now is to ensure that as many people as possible get to see the film, including all politicians and other decision-makers,” said lead and consultant for the film, Ian Michler.

Indigenous Film Distribution aim to deliver African content that resonates with Africans, while providing growth opportunities to local filmmakers. By taking on Blood Lions, Indigenous Film did just that. “Simply put, we want more South Africans watching more South African movies, and it is a goal that is firmly within our sights,” said Helen Kuun of Indigenous Film Distribution. “To be able to offer Blood Lions on DVD, following their very successful festival run around the world, makes us very excited!”

Producer and driving force behind the film Pippa Hankinson said: “We have been overwhelmed by the extraordinary response that Blood Lions has received from so many across the world – and we so appreciate the wonderful support of Helen and her team at Indigenous Film Distribution. Blood Lions exposes the cruel exploitation of South Africa’s lions, which are being mass bred in facilities that resemble puppy mills. These magnificent creatures are being bottle-fed and hand-reared simply for the bullet – for vast profits – in an industry that is not open to public scrutiny. Our film is a call to all who view it to make responsible choices around their roles and responsibilities towards our planet and the incredible wildlife with which we have the privilege to share it. Our hope is that Blood Lions will help make the changes that are so needed – that it will ensure that our children’s children will be able to see these majestic animals roaming free in the wild where they rightfully belong!”

The DVD can be purchased at at only ZAR85 as a special introductory offer for March 2016.