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NEWS: WildChoices launches website

Blood Lions , Predators in captivity, Canned hunting, Animal welfare, Panthera leo, Lions in captivity, Predator park, Lion farm, Commercial captive lion industry , Captive predators, Ban canned hunting, Born To Live Wild, South Africa, #CancelCaptivity, #ThinkBeforeYouGo

WildChoices launches a website to assist the tourism industry and visitors alike to make more informed and ethical choices about captive wildlife tourism facilities in South Africa.

WildChoices applied the SATSA Captive Wildlife Attractions & Activities Guidelines and Decision Tool to assess 219 captive wildlife tourism facilities in South Africa, based on publicly available information. Application of SATSA’s 6-step decision tree creates one of three outcomes: Support, Support with Caution and Avoid.

The Blood Lions team is excited to see the SATSA guidelines applied and translated into a user-friendly online tool, and we commend the WildChoices team on their efforts.

“The SATSA tool is a great starting point to separate the good from the bad and the ugly. However, a lot has happened since the launch of the SATSA guidelines in 2019, including the publication of the HLP report and Minister Creecy’s intent to close the captive lion industry. Hence, the proverbial line in the sand now needs to be moved, as was always SATSA’s intention, and this work by WildChoices can assist in the process going forward.”