PLETT has among its many talented citizens Ian Michler, special consultant and lead character in the full-length documentary Blood Lions. Launched in July, it has significantly ramped up the trophy hunting and predator breeding debate ever since.
The film has now been seen in over 170 countries and territories and has had 45 public screenings around the world, and National Geographic listed it as one of the 12 most powerful stories on conservation and wildlife in the last decade.
Already viewed by Australian and European parliamentarians, it is set for screening in Italian, Spanish and Finnish parliaments next year. In South Africa, Blood Lions has been showed to the Departments of Tourism and Environmental Affairs.
In addition, the President of Botswana along with various cabinet members have seen the film.
Australia banned the import of lion body parts into their country earlier this year, and has now been joined by France who recently imposed import restrictions on lion trophies. With further country initiatives underway, this number will grow.
The wider trophy hunting community has certainly taken notice of Blood Lions, with engagement taking place at various levels in different countries.
Particularly welcome was the outcome of the recent PHASA AGM (visit http:// phasa. co.z a/what-is-in-thenew s/pha s a-pre ss-rele a se/ item/682-position-paperon-captive-b red-lion- hunting.html), where a majority of members voted against captive breeding and canned hunting.
Here, recognition must go to the few operators who broke away to drive the causes of ethical hunting. The film-makers and their lawyers have seen off a High Court attempt to have the screenings stopped.
While the film is generating significant global attention, the foremost consideration has always been the campaign aimed at bringing an end to all exploitative breeding practices, as well as canned or captive hunting.
For anyone interested in conservation issues or lions, this is a film and discussion not to be missed. Please join Eden to Addo, Joan Berning and Ian Michler at The White House on December 28 at 7:30pm for a screening of the full-length documentary. There will be a cash bar and cash snack bar by the Nguni team.
Ian will conduct a full Q&A after the screening and discuss any aspect of the film, including feedback on his recent lobbying trip to the European Parliament and New York.
Visit www. edento addo. for more information and email admin@eden or SMS 082 771 3744 to book.