Top Reasons for Live Tiger Export

Blood Lions Youth For Lions Lion bone trade Tiger bones Predators in captivity Canned hunting Animal welfare Panthera leo Lions in captivity Cub petting Walking with lions Petting lion cubs Predator park Lion farm Lion park Commercial captive lion industry Tiger cub petting Captive predators Ban canned hunting Tigers in captivity Cheetahs in captivity Cute lion cubs Hand-feeding lion cubs Volunteer with lions Hand raise lion cubs Illegal wildlife trade Illegal lion bone trade Born To Live Wild Lion bone quota South Africa #CancelCaptivity
Most of the 384 live tigers that South Africa exported between 2010-2020 were imported by zoos (269), breeding facilities (54), circuses (42) and for commercial purposes (16), according to the CITES Trade Database.
Couple this with the Top 5 importing countries of live tigers from South Africa, namely Vietnam, China, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, and we may not only be feeding the tiger bone trade directly, but also potentially create huge animal welfare issues and suffering.