WildChoices Social Media Campaign

Blood Lions Youth For Lions Lion bone trade Tiger bones Predators in captivity Canned hunting Animal welfare Panthera leo Lions in captivity Cub petting Walking with lions Petting lion cubs Predator park Lion farm Lion park Commercial captive lion industry Tiger cub petting Captive predators Ban canned hunting Tigers in captivity Cheetahs in captivity Cute lion cubs Hand-feeding lion cubs Volunteer with lions Hand raise lion cubs Illegal wildlife trade Illegal lion bone trade Born To Live Wild Lion bone quota South Africa #CancelCaptivity

Since its recent launch, the WildChoices initiative (an assessment based on the SATSA guidelines and publicly available information) has achieved some positive change with several facilities making permanent improvements to aid the welfare and wellbeing of their captive wildlife. These facilities have made necessary changes to their business models so that they no longer fall into the AVOID category.

It is our hope that SATSA can now find a way to move the proverbial line in the sand forward to make the decision-making tool even more stringent, ethical and wildlife conscious.

You can play your part and help improve the WildChoices website by providing evidence to show that a facility may have been categorised incorrectly. To report evidence on a facility, please post a message to WildChoices through their contact page: https://www.wildchoices.org/contact

If you’re considering visiting a captive wildlife facility anywhere in South Africa, be sure to do your homework and look them up on www.wildchoices.org.
