WildChoices: Western Cape Assessment Results

Blood Lions , Predators in captivity, Canned hunting Animal welfare , Predator park , Ban canned hunting , Cheetahs in captivity, Illegal wildlife trade, Born To Live Wild , #CancelCaptivity #ThinkBeforeYouGo

According to the WildChoices assessment of 219+ facilities that keep wildlife in captivity for tourism purposes, nearly one quarter (52 facilities) are located in the Western Cape.

Of these facilities in the Western Cape:

  • 24 you should AVOID, including 5 facilities with big cats;
  • 13 you should Support with CAUTION, including 3 facilities with big cats;
  • 15 you can SUPPORT (according to the SATSA guidelines), including 5 facilities with big cats.

Out of the nine South African provinces, the Western Cape has the most captive wildlife tourism facilities, but also the highest number of facilities that fall into the SUPPORT category.

If you’re considering visiting a captive wildlife facility anywhere in South Africa, be sure to do your homework and look them up on www.wildchoices.org.