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Rotary Youth Camp for Grade 10 and 11 learners

The Rotary Club of Parys will be hosting the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) camp at Life Adventures outside Parys from 16 to 19 March (Thursday to Sunday). This four-day adventure is a time for personal development, leadership training and a whole lot of fun.

The Rotary Club of Parys will be hosting the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) camp at Life Adventures outside Parys from 16 to 19 March (Thursday to Sunday). This four-day adventure is a time for personal development, leadership training and a whole lot of fun.

This year, there are two blockbuster additions to the programme. Internationally acclaimed Annette Jahnel will open the programme on Thursday night with an inspirational video and talk: Energy, Environment, Economy, Evolution, Equality and Education. On Friday night, representatives from Youth for Lions will answer questions following a private screening of the full-feature documentary Blood Lions that sheds light on South African predator breeding, canned hunting and lion bone trade.

Other activities include swimming, hiking, leadership training, an educational game drive, finance management, orientation, fly-fishing clinic, potjiekos competition and survival adventures. The cost will be R 1 500 which includes all presentations, accommodation, bedding, food and activities.

The Rotary Club of Parys is donating limited scholarships to Ngwathe learners with good references. Download applications from contact for further details.