An assessment of the potential risks of the practice of intensive and selective breeding of game to biodiversity and the economy in South Africa

This is an excerpt from a report written by Jeanetta Selier, Lizanne Nel, Ian Rushworth, Johan Kruger, Brent Coverdale, Craig Mulqueeny and Andrew Blackmore and published online by Conservation Action Trust on 18 January, 2020

Over the last three decades the South African wildlife industry has been largely compatible with conserving biodiversity and as such has made a significant contribution thereto (Child et al. 2012). However, in recent years, selective breeding and the intensive management of game has emerged as a new and growing sector within the broader private wildlife industry (Cloete et al. 2015, Taylor et al. 2015). Concerns have been raised about the long-term and potential consequences of the practice on other sub-sectors of the wildlife sector, as well as the country’s biodiversity and biodiversity economy (Cousins et al. 2010, Dalerum and Miranda 2016, Pienaar et al. 2017).

Following concerns raised within the Scientific Authority of South Africa in 2009 and the subsequent request from the Minister of the Department of Environmental Affairs an expert task team, consisting of scientists with a diverse range of skills and expertise was established by the Scientific Authority on in February 2013. The purpose of the task team was to both identify and assess the full range of potential risks to biodiversity and the biodiversity economy, and to compile a report for submission to the Scientific Authority. The Scientific Authority, in accordance with section 61 of NEMBA, would in turn advise the Minister on appropriate, if required, policy and regulatory responses.

Read the full report here: